Articles with tick-borne diseases

How Obscure Is Babesiosis Really? Mika’s Story

How Obscure Is Babesiosis Really? Mika’s Story

When I was writing about Ted’s Babesiosis, I kept wondering how obscure this tick-borne disease really is. Mika was treated right around the corner, at a specialty hospital we used to go to. Mika is a 6-year-old Great Dane. Beautiful, lovable, energetic. She was adopted from the US several years ago and only brought her family love and joy. She ended up…

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Babesiosis in a Dog: Ted’s Story

Babesiosis in a Dog: Ted’s Story

Babesiosis is a tick-borne infection. It is not a bacteria, however, it is a protozoal parasite. This parasite invades red blood cells resulting in anemia. Your dog can contract this disease from multiple species of ticks. Ted is a happy, active, bright and alert Beagle. He’s always been well taken care of, vaccinated and on a flea/tick preventive. With his…

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Canine Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Clara’s Story

Canine Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Clara’s Story

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is one of the infectious diseases transmitted by ticks.  Even though the microorganism resembles bacteria, it behaves like a virus. It attacks and damages blood vessels, tissues, and organs throughout the body. That’s why the symptoms can be all over the place. It is most prevalent in the east coast, midwest, and plains. Even though it…

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