Excessive drinking

Change in Drinking Habits in Dogs: Pixie’s Excessive Thirst

Change in Drinking Habits in Dogs: Pixie’s Excessive Thirst

Do you know what can cause excessive drinking and urination in your dog? Should you be concerned? Excessive drinking and urinary accidents in dogs often go hand-in-hand. So it is only natural that all that fluid has to make its way back out. The causes of increased drinking and urination include: urinary tract infections (UTI) uterine infections diabetes Cushing’s disease…

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Excessive Thirst in a Dog: Oscar’s Increased Drinking and Diagnosis

Excessive Thirst in a Dog: Oscar’s Increased Drinking and Diagnosis

Different environmental and physiological factors determine how much water your dog needs to drink on any given day. Things that influence fluctuation in your dog’s water intake include: ambient temperature activity level type of diet However, with all things being equal, if your dog starts drinking more than usual, you need to consider an underlying health problem. Illnesses that will…

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The Function of Cortisol: What Happens In A Dog’s Body When It Goes Awry?

The Function of Cortisol: What Happens In A Dog’s Body When It Goes Awry?

Cortisol is a vital hormone from the glucocorticoid family of steroid hormones. Cortisol is primarily produced by a dog’s adrenal glands. In health, cortisol plays a critical role in the dog’s ability to cope with stress. It stimulates glucose production and the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to provide fuel for the body. Cortisol also suppresses the immune system.…

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