Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (Bloat):

Is Unproductive Retching an Emergency?

Is Unproductive Retching an Emergency?

A dog who is trying to vomit but nothing is coming out is a major emergency. This is a telltale sign of GDV/bloat! Most problems come with a combination of symptoms. Rarely will your dog exhibit a sole symptom or a sign. With some issues, it is important to consider them in context. Some, however, are reason enough to seek…

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Canine Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus: RIP Barbie

Canine Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus: RIP Barbie

Veterinary Partner calls bloat the Mother of all Emergencies. According to some sources, bloat is the number two dog killer, right after cancer! Gastric dilatation is a distention of the stomach from an accumulation of gas and fluid. Gastric dilatation can be further complicated by volvulus, in which the distended stomach rotates on itself (gastric torsion), cutting off its blood…

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